I'm pretty sure the answer is no but is there anyway to control an
ethercat drive from kflop/kanalog?
My limited googling leads me to believe that EtherCat drives get their
speed/torque commands via ethernet from an ethercat "master", typically
a PC (or dedicated controller) handling the motion control.
I want to add a third axis to my saw to position the guide wheels, like
https://youtu.be/vy7ar2x4no8?t=1m10s FWIW this is one of the
nicest CNC wire saws I've seen. Basically the guide wheels are rotated
so that they stay parallel to the motion. What most saws use is a
hollow shaft gearbox with flange to attach the wheels to. I've found
some gearbox's that have Beckhoff servo's attached on ebay, the seller
also has matching Beckhoff EtherCat drives.
Given the answer is no, has anyone used a Beckhoff servo with another
drive? Only thing I'm unsure of is the feedback interface on the servo,
the documentation states
https://www.beckhoff.com/english.asp?drive_technology/am3041.htm , full
part number AM3041-0H41-0000 ) :
"multi-turn absolute encoder, BiSS, absolute position within 4,096
revolutions, electronic identification plate, AM302x…AM308x: 2,048 sine
periods per revolution"
Is a BiSS encoder compatible with most drives?
Sorry I realize this isn't a Kflop question, just hoping those with more
experience with servos and drives might know if is worth pursuing the
Beckhoff motors.